Tutorials for Business

Enrolling for Business

After enrolling with your Belize Bank Representative for E-kyash, it is important that you register a device to transact with customers.

Business Portal

Set up branches and set staff levels in the Business Portal. Learn how to enable/disable activity when your staff are on/off shift

Inviting Staff

If you want to have someone who can perform transactions for your business, you need to first invite them as a staff on your business wallet

Cash In Function

Customers will come to your business for assistance with putting cash into their wallet. Learn the steps to take to assist customer with Cash-ins

Cash Out Function

If you offer Retail Operator services, customer will come to you to perform cash out from their wallets. Learn the step by step process

Generating QR Codes

QR Codes make payment fast, easy and secure. Learn the difference between Static QR Codes and Dynamic QR Codes.

How Gifts Work

E-kyash users will be able to purchase your electronic E-kyash gift certificates for any special occasion, and you can be able to view the status of each certificate.